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Page History: Users

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Page Revision: 2011/06/22 16:24


a. Orderbook,Reports,Sessions and Performance
This area allows administrators to view all orders, fills and leg fills for a particular day by user. The date, username and exchange can be selected to narrow the search. If a day session has ended and T4 has erased your trade records, the data is stored here. CTS store this data for 7 years.
b. Sessions
An administrator can view what time any user logged in and out of T4 by day or month. The administrator can also view what application the user was connecting with as well as the IP address, server, version number and some messaging information. This can be a useful tool if any users are having latency or connection issues.
c. Reports
This area displays various activity reports that an administrator can view. The administrator can also view exchange logins. Exchange logins can be filtered by user and exchange. For example, the exchange login for the CME is called tag 50.
d. Performance
This section displays either submission, pull or revision roundtrip times for each user’s orders.
e. Setup
The Setup area is where administrators can setup a new user or edit an existing user. A list of all the users in the firm is displayed. To create a new user, click the link at the top of the screen. You will then be prompted to enter the user details:

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